Hello, I am trying to look at childcare time use for ATUS 2021; I have been using AHTUS up to the harmonized 2018 data and was hoping to extend to 2021 with ATUS.
There is then a question of (1) weights and (2) how the ATHUS measures of childcare are created; I have been looking into these by comparing AHTUS 2018 and ATUS 2018.
I have attempted to create a measure of childcare for ATUS that matches the AHTUS variable I am interested in. The best combination of BLS time codes I have found for ATUS makes most of the sample match up on childcare time with the AHTUS variable I am using (48 of 9593 do not match).
So, regarding (2): So that I can create the same measure for (I think primary) childcare activities for ATUS 2021 as is used for AHTUS-harmonized ATUS data, is there a list of the BLS time codes that are used to create the AHTUS aggregated variables? E.g., which. tu-codes go into 0533 “Care of infants”?
I see in the harmonization file the following correction for “child” :
replace child=1 if child==0 & (trcode==30101 | trcode==30102 | trcode==30103 | ///
trcode==30104 | trcode==30105 | trcode==30106 | trcode==30107 | trcode==30109 | ///
trcode==30112 | trcode==30199 | trcode==30201 | trcode==30203 | trcode==30299 | ///
trcode==30301 | trcode==30302 | trcode==30399 | trcode==40101 | trcode==40102 | ///
trcode==40103 | trcode==40104 | trcode==40105 | trcode==40106 | trcode==40107 | ///
trcode==40109 | trcode==40112 | trcode==40199 | trcode==40201 | trcode==40203 | ///
trcode==40299 | trcode==40301 | trcode==40302 | trcode==40399)
tab child
These are some of the relevant tu codes that I use to construct the ATUS measure, but I can’t identify where each of the subcategories of childcare (care of infants (0533), general care of older children (0534), etc.) are created.
Regarding (1): If I retain only the observations where my AHTUS 2018 childcare measure exactly matches my ATUS 2018 childcare measure and take the weighted mean of childcare time for males and females each, the numbers differ by quite a bit. This is of course using recwght for AHTUS and wt06 for ATUS. It seems clear that using wt06 for ATUS 2021 and using recwght-weighted AHTUS data for previous years will be problematic.
Can MTUS weights be used here? I ask this becuase the MTUS measures are not granular enough. Is there some way to use ATHUS time with MTUS weights? It appears that all three of recwght, wt06 and propwt differ. I guess they are designed to balance for different things in each case? Weighting my ATUS childcare measure with MTUS weights produces a similar result (I mean, wt06 and propwt produce similar values). While MTUS does provide weights for the full sample I am interested in, I am not sure if this is an inappropriate exercise because there are very different modifications are made to create propwt / they should only be used for cross-country purposes or something…
I apologize if any of the above is unclear! Please let me know if I can explain more or differently.
Thank you!